+91 9594798237 / +91 7719023331

Multi Mill

Multi Mill Manufacturer in Mumbai
We are a leading Multi Mill Manufacturer in Mumbai. The Multi Mill is a portable self-contained unit helpful for long speed granulating grinding, mixing, shredding chopping etc. of a wide variety of dry and wet materials without any particular attachment. This machine utilizes the system of variable power swing hammer blades should both knife and impact edges rotating within a fully selected screen to control size. The flow path of material in a vertical rotor machine is streamlined. During comminution, material joining the chamber progresses to the periphery and passes through the screen tangentially and radially avoiding chocking and temperature increase. Multi Mill is designed to use the principle of changeable force swing mixers having both knife and contact blades rotating within a chosen screen to check the particle reduction. Material fed into the processing chamber movements to the border and moves through the screen radially and tangentially. Finally, the processed material adjusts collected into the bowl kept below the processing chamber.

Salient Features

  • Machine Portable on Castor rings
  • Great output with Process unity
  • The direction of the Blade circle can be changed utilizing a Reversing switch for Hammer or Knife service
  • Multiple organizations of Screens / Speeds / Quantity of Blades
  • The direction of blade rotation for all Product type
  • Higher Screen opening section for Higher Throughput.
  • Simple Dismantling and Cleaning of complete Elements decreasing.


  • Flameproof motor with pressure button switch.
  • Direct driven (VFD control).
  • Single drive - mechanical seal
  • GMP model.


  • Flameproof motor with pressure button switch.
  • Multi Mill can be used widely for wet & dry granulation, pulverization.
  • Various type of applications such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, dyes, colours, food products, spices, detergents, insecticides, plastics & resins fertilizers.
  • We are a manufacturer in Mumbai, with ISO certification and general guidelines.
Technical Specification :
Maximum OutPut / Hour 200 Kgs. 30 Kgs.
Electricals 415 V, 50 HZ, 1440 RPM
Motor 3 HP 0.5 HP
Operation Through VFD Speed Controls
No. of Beater 12 Nos. 8 Nos.
Change Parts S.S Perforated Screen ( Holes dia mm)
  • (a) 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 Sizes
  • (b) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • (c) 7, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25
Optional Features FLP Motor, FLP Panel